
If you want to install from the command line, you can use this one liner:

wget -O - | bash

If you want to upgrade and existing install, use this one liner:

wget -O - | bash

You can also download the package manually and run "make" to do the installation, in that case, please notice that there are several packages available for download as tarball files. Please be sure to download the correct package for your Linux version.

FOP Version 2.31.43

Release Date: June 25, 2024


Date: Tue Jun 25 11:02:54 2024 -0300
Summary: Be sure to filter pluginconfig on client only, not on server. Fixes dialer not able to connect to databadse

Date: Mon Jun 24 22:49:14 2024 -0300
Summary: CHANGE: Update script to work on VitalPBX

Date: Mon Jun 24 19:16:42 2024 -0300
Summary: FIX: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: populating phonenumber when adding contact from menu

Date: Mon Jun 24 11:19:12 2024 -0300
Summary: FIX: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Apply service group filter on chat history but only for supervisor permission. all permission or single extension permission won't be filtered
by service group

Date: Mon Jun 24 10:44:30 2024 -0300
Summary: CHANGE: [PLUGINS] AutoWrapup: Update autowrapup to not trigger wrapup if member is already paused

Date: Mon Jun 24 10:26:35 2024 -0300
Summary: NEW: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Add blocklist collection to reject inbound message from specific senders

Date: Mon Jun 24 10:25:59 2024 -0300
Summary: FIX: Decode correctly whatsapp templates with new lines inside body

Date: Thu Jun 20 17:25:24 2024 -0300
Summary: FIX: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Do not use default values in any text field as there are MySQL/MariaDB versions that do not support it

Date: Thu Jun 20 15:33:34 2024 -0300
Summary: FIX: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Handle 404 in check for attach to please PHP 8 when sending templates via Meta

Date: Wed Jun 19 15:00:53 2024 -0300
Summary: NEW: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Add select single broadcast so we can send broadcast to individual contacts

Date: Tue Jun 18 21:14:05 2024 -0300
Summary: CHANGE: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: restyle tooltips

Date: Tue Jun 18 20:25:20 2024 -0300
Summary: NEW: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Add loader to history and monitor

Date: Tue Jun 18 16:38:41 2024 -0300
Summary: NEW: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Add support for interactive list message replies in Whatsapp Meta. Sets response as body

Date: Tue Jun 18 11:35:53 2024 -0300
Summary: NEW: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Animate reconnect button

Date: Tue Jun 18 11:11:45 2024 -0300
Summary: CHANGE: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: layout and style, give more space to chat

Date: Fri Jun 14 22:22:14 2024 -0300
Summary: FIX: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Limit sms groups to 10 participants, otherwise it will lead to issues as the agent might get excluded from sending

Date: Fri Jun 14 21:42:45 2024 -0300
Summary: NEW: [PLUGINS] Webphone PRO: Add all, chats,extensions contact button filters

Since version 2.28 there is a configuration manager (FOP2 Manager) bundeld with the package. You can access it directly by pointing your browser to http://your.server/fop2/admin . On a new installed system, you must log into the manager before loading the main FOP2 panel to create the user & buttons configuration.


Centos - i386

DownloadFOP 2.31 for Centos or other Redhat Based Distributions, including Trixbox, Elastix, PiaF, AsteriskNow, etc.

Centos - 64bits

DownloadFOP 2.31 for Centos or other Redhat Based Distributions, including Trixbox, Elastix, PiaF, AsteriskNow, etc.


Debian - 32bits

DownloadFOP 2.31 for Debian / Ubuntu Based Distributions, 32 bits.

Debian - 64bits

DownloadFOP 2.31 for Debian / Ubuntu Based Distributions, 64 bits.

raspberry pi

Raspberry PI - ARM

DownloadFOP 2.31 for Raspberry PI/Debian

ARM 64 bits

ARM 64 bits - Aarch64 - Centos

DownloadFOP 2.31 for ARM aarch64 / Centos

FOP Version 2.30.00

Release Date: August 3, 2015

This version has significant improvements on the client side, with a layout that can be arranged at will via drag&drop and some cool new plugins. As the changes are significant and might have bugs, this release is launched as beta first. Internet Explorer 8 support was dropped with this release. There will be periodical updates for this beta, so check the release date here to see the last time it was updated.

DownloadFOP 2.30 32 bits for Centos or other Redhat Based Distributions, including Trixbox, Elastix, PiaF, AsteriskNow, etc.

DownloadFOP 2.30 64 bits for Centos or other Redhat Based Distributions, including Trixbox, Elastix, PiaF, AsteriskNow, etc.

DownloadFOP 2.30 32 bits for Debian / Ubuntu Based Distributions.

DownloadFOP 2.30 64 bits for Debian / Ubuntu Based Distributions.

Microsoft Edge Extension


FOP2 Extension for Microsoft Edge Browser

DownloadView status of extensions directly in Microsoft Edge. Shows desktop notifications and configurable popups on new or connected calls. Converts phone numbers in any web page into click to call links. (It is *not* a standalone application, it requires FOP2 to be installed on the server).


Here is a set of old versions links for your convenience:

What people say

Show out to Nicolas @asternic for a quick and painless fix for my #FOP2 #FreePBX server this morning. Support like that is rare these days!
Nick Overstreet
We are currently using FOP2 on a FREEPBX12 and asterisk 12 server. The installation went smoothly, and we are impressed by the possibilities of this program, but also how easy it is to use. We had one little problem though with the way queues reported events. This issue was quickly solved by a fantastic support service. Now we have a fantastic operator panel. For our next PBX's we are going to install we will most certainly use FOP2 !
I must just say, I’m loving FOP2. It simple and works well.
Rudi Haarhoff
Just wanted to tell you: your FOP2 panel software is impeccable. Very NICELY done.
Eric Mutter
I just thought I'd leave you a quick message saying I'm thoroughly impressed with how FOP2 is maturing. The FreePBX module is absolutely superb, and as a whole the application is truly brilliant. My customers use it so regularly they wonder how life existed without it! Thankyou so much! :)
Josiah Spackman
The new beta works great on iPhone 4 with iOS 4.2.1. Seamless upgrade from 2.1.1. Very impressive!
David Shauger
Let me also congratulate you on what a fantastic job you have done... on all your products.. they are clean, easy to use, useful and easy to install. I wish i had someone like you on my staff for our developments. FOP2 is just brilliant. Seriously. Excellent job.
Tony Sampano